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Audre Lorde: 'The Uses Of Anger'

Abstract: Racism. The belief in the inherent superiority of one race over all others and thereby the right to dominance, manifest and implied. Women respond to racism. My response to racism is anger. I have lived with that anger, on that anger, beneath that anger, on top of that anger, ignoring that anger, feeding upon that anger, learning to use that anger before it laid my visions to waste, for most of my life. Once I did it in silence, afraid of the weight of that anger. My fear of that anger taught me nothing. Your fear of that anger will teach you nothing, also. Women responding to racism means women responding to anger, the anger of exclusion, of unquestioned privilege, of racial distortions, of silence, ill-use, stereotyping, defensiveness, misnaming, betrayal, and co-opting.


The feminist science and technology studies reading group takes an intersectional stance. We reject the idea that to be a feminist is just to talk about gender [...]


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The department of Science and Technology Studies.

University College London

22 Gordon Square



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