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Audre Lorde: 'The Masters Tools Will Never Dismantle The Masters House'

Abstract: I agreed to take part in a New York University Institute for the Humanities conference a year ago, with the understanding that I would be commenting upon papers dealing with the role of difference within the lives of American women: difference of race, sexuality, class, and age. The absence of these considerations weakens any feminist discussion of the personal and the political. It is a particular academic arrogance to assume any discussion of feminist theory without examining our many differences, and without a significant input from poor women, Black and Third World women, and lesbians. And yet, I stand here as a Black lesbian feminist, having been invited to comment within the only panel at this conference where the input of Black feminists and lesbians is represented.


The feminist science and technology studies reading group takes an intersectional stance. We reject the idea that to be a feminist is just to talk about gender [...]


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The department of Science and Technology Studies.

University College London

22 Gordon Square



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